Zigbee Home Automation in SG 2021

James Koh
4 min readJan 2, 2021


I’ve finally got around to setting up Zigbee Home Automation (ZHA)in 2021 🍿

My setup requisites:

  1. Raspberry Pi 3B
  2. (Optional) Monitor for Raspberry Pi
  3. Home Assistant setup on raspi v0.118.4
  4. Zigbee Radio USB — I got mine from aliexpress for $9 with shipping, took about one and a half weeks to reach Singapore.

Following Instructions from:


#1 find home assistant using nmap, in this case, raspi address was

nmap -sn scan report for
Host is up (0.27s latency).
MAC Address: B8:27:EB:0A:B4:A3 (Raspberry Pi Foundation)

#2 login to HA

#3 Add ZHA from Configuration > +ADD INTEGRATION > Zigbee Home Assistant > Please Wait … > Select Serial Port > Selected from drop down > Submit > Load for a minute > …

… Pick Radio Type > Selected Legacy TI_CC > Submit > …

… Enter Settings > Port — left it as-is since I couldn’t find a relevant ID > Port Speed — as-is > data flow control — leave blank > Submit > …

failed. It won’t pair? Maybe I need to flash ZHA

Instructions for flashing:

#4 Open raspberrypi case, connect pins to debug port


#5 I was able to connect the pins after manually bending them, however, with hassio flashed on my raspberry pi, I can’t proceed further. Looks like I have to order a debugger. 😆

#6 (+2weeks) Debugger has arrived 👏, unpack it.

Follow the instructions for flashing with this from zigbee2mqtt``


#7 install libraries with homebrew

brew install autoconf automake libusb boost pkgconfig libtool

There were a few warnings, but I decided to continue with running the cloned cc-tool repo with ./bootstrap and ./configure . Immediately ran into a permissions issue when compiling. So the warnings while installing with homebrew were probably critical.

No package 'libusb-1.0' found

Checking brew info libusb I happily found libusb installed by homebrew but it was not available as a cpp library.

#8 I looked at a few links that recommended changing CPATH, but that didn’t quite make sense — why would homebrew imports have broken and only require c/cpp changing symlinks? It’s much more likely that the entire gcc had got messed up. I decided to uninstall all the homebrew dependencies above, and use command line tools.

xcode-select --install
xcode-select -switch /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools

#9 This time around, install the homebrew libraries one-by-one and came across the error with no write access

Error: Permission denied @ dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Frameworks

So this meant that I had to give access for /usr/local

mkdir -p /usr/local/include
mkdir -p /usr/local/Frameworks
sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*

#10 Plug in the CC-Debugger, connect it to the CC2531 USB and press the reset button.

#11 Run ./bootstrap and ./configure


#12 Head back to add integration, ZHA now allows another device address

..and seems to be happy with it.

oooh. So much easier



James Koh
James Koh

Written by James Koh

yesterday was tough, make tomorrow better

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